Commando Comic No. 094 – Jump – Or Die!


  • Commando Comic No. 94
  • Published November 1963
  • Pre-owned
  • Acceptable condition
  • Bagged and boarded

1 in stock

SKU: CMC-094 Category: Tags: , Product Condition: Used



The dull throb of the Dakota’s engines pounded remorselessly in the paratroopers’ ears as they filed in to their jumping order.

Nobody spoke, nobody smiled, nobody spared a kindly glance for the next bloke in line. Lips were dry and taut, and eyes glowed with a mixture of determination . . . and FEAR!

And even as the red light changed to green for “GO”, Captain Bob Brown knew that he was the most afraid of all . . . which was all wrong, because he was meant to be officer in charge of this mission, an example to all the others.


Rear cover is absent. Front cover is partially detached top and bottom. Creasing to front, internal tanning. Closed tear to internal page. Other than as stated, book currently remains sound. Acceptable condition. Bagged and boarded. Please examine photos carefully and see our notes on item condition before purchasing.

Additional information

Weight0.05 kg

DC Thomson


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