When B company’s new recruits arrived in Burma, the jungle veterans pointed grimly to a grease-stain on the wooden floor of a hut.
“We call that stain Jim Soames,” they said. “Jim was the first guy Big Bill Holt put through his training course in jungle fighting. The Jim missed a dummy Japanese sniper rigged in a tree. Bill sent him forty times round the assault course in full kit for that. 120 degrees in the shade, it was. And that there grease spot is all that’s left of him. Who’s Big Bill? Why he’s Captain Holt, your new company commander. He’s the man who’s gonna turn you into jungle fighters, that’s who . . . ”
Mild reading crease with slight curl and minor rippling. Mild rubbing to base of spine, light edge wear. Book is sound and in good condition. Bagged and boarded. Please examine photos carefully and see our notes on item condition before purchasing.
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